Free download iNewPHP


iNewPHP is a completely portable platform for PHP/MySQL web applications
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Release date
29 May 2011

Editor's review

This is a software tool that provides a portable platform for PHP based website developments.

iNewPHP is a portable platform for PHP/MySQL web applications. This enables you to run PHP/MySQL web applications from CD/DVD, USB drive, or from any directory of any hard drive. You do not need to install this application or the components individually. iNewPHP can be rebranded with your name, icon and splash image. That helps you distribute or sell your customized iNewPHP with PHP/MySQL web applications on CD/DVD, USB drive or other portable media. Major features of the tool are a whole host of support available for PHP5, IMAP, GD, cURL, Zend optimizer, mcrypt, ionCube PHP loader, MHASH support, SQLite, Sockets, xmlrpc, OpenSSL, EXIF, mime_magic, etc. The interface provides a simple to use customization box. Rebranding consists of a simple entry of the new product name, optional icon and splash images, etc.

Rest of the activity is simply clicking a few checkboxes. To get the website to work from the CD/DVD what needs to be done is to put the website files in the folder marked for it. Database files are included into the folder specified for it and then simply launching the executable. To create a website based in CD/DVD for a wide distribution, the customized/rebranded iNewPHP and the application needs to be burned on the disk. For distributing on USB, simply copy the stuff onto the USB drive while a hard disk based distribution will have a zip file of the application.

Publisher's description

iNewPHP is a completely portable platform for PHP/MySQL web applications. With iNewPHP you can run PHP/MySQL web applications from CD/DVD, USB drive, from any directory from any hard drive. No installation is necessary. You can customize iNewPHP with your product name, icon and splash image. Then you distribute or sell your customized iNewPHP with PHP/MySQL web applications on CD/DVD, USB drive or other portable media.
Version 7.0
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